Dom Helder Câmara Ave. 5555 - Room Nº 512

Cachambi - Rio de Janeiro, RJ

(21) 97498-5421

Mon to Fri - 9am to 9pm

Dom Helder Câmara Ave. 5555 - Room Nº 512

Cachambi - Rio de Janeiro, RJ

(21) 97498-5421

Mon to Fri - 9am to 9pm


Overcoming the effects of confinement

Do you think the psychological effects of confinement are affecting you? Don't know how to face this time of instability? Discover the psychological secrets to get stronger.

According to several studies in collaboration with leading universities in our country, the population's distress has increased by 46% as a result of the health and economic crisis experienced by confinement and the Coronavirus. There are several indicators that the psychological consequences of confinement and Covid-19 will be much longer lasting than the disease we are fighting.

Fear caused by Coronavirus not only makes us act in ways that harm us, as we show in this article. There are also a wide variety of examples that there are more sequelae to confinement and this virus than first appeared. Despite all the pessimism, it is vital to try to maintain a positive attitude, both psychologically and professionally.

Psychological effects of confinement

One of the consequences of the confinement that we could see on social networks, in the news and even in our own skin, are the psychological effects experienced as a result of this situation. There are cases in which these sequelae of confinement end up not being detected, not even by those closest to those who suffer from the problem. Even so, there are studies that show that the cases of some of the psychological pathologies typical of loneliness and isolation have increased, especially in young people and women. We can summarize the main psychological effects of confinement as follows:

1. Feeling of unreality

Although thinking that what is happening is unreal and strange is an understandable feeling because of the effects of confinement, the truth is that feeling this momentary change in perception over and over again can generate certain sequelae. The most common symptom is feeling disconnected from everything around you, both from objects and from the surroundings. The symptoms perceived in a feeling of unreality are, mainly:

  • Feeling that you are inside a movie or a dream
  • Realize that you are emotionally disconnected from others
  • Change the perception of time and surroundings (feeling them more distorted)

In the most extreme cases, this perception can trigger a panic attack.

2. Confinement anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common psychological problems in our society today. So much so that during confinement, more than 65% of the population had anxiety. The psychological effects experienced during these days are as follows:

  • Negative and threatening thoughts
  • Excessive worry
  • Feeling of inferiority
  • Feeling imminent of death

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