Dom Helder Câmara Ave. 5555 - Room Nº 512

Cachambi - Rio de Janeiro, RJ

(21) 97498-5421

Mon to Fri - 9am to 9pm

Dom Helder Câmara Ave. 5555 - Room Nº 512

Cachambi - Rio de Janeiro, RJ

(21) 97498-5421

Mon to Fri - 9am to 9pm

Areas of expertise

Crianças com dificuldade de aprendizagem

The neuropsychologist investigates cognitive processes and complex activities such as reading and writing, numbering, problem solving, etc. This investigation always reveals significant, new and fundamental facts to contribute in a primordial way to the understanding of the child's difficulties. The neuropsychologist works with children who have difficulty in literacy, text comprehension, memory...

ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Criança com esse transtorno não para quieta, tudo a distrai, qualquer estímulo a chama atenção, da resposta por insight, tendo dificuldade de abordar uma tarefa de forma analítica, planejando, monitorando e criando estratégia cognitiva. Esses comportamentos podem atrapalhar o desempenho e as relações da criança com TDAH.

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

Linked to repetitive compulsion and behavior, washing hands several times, checking several times whether you have closed the door or forgotten something in the socket or on the fire.

Eating disorders

Anorexia – Body distortion, the person wants to lose weight at any price, stopping or reducing food, and can even stop eating. She doesn't think about health, because even after losing weight, she looks in the mirror and thinks she is fat.

Bulimia - The person wants to lose weight, but has episodes of compulsion, eats a lot, but then comes regret and guilt for having eaten too much, can induce vomiting, take laxatives in order to expel the food.

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