Dom Helder Câmara Ave. 5555 - Room Nº 512

Cachambi - Rio de Janeiro, RJ

(21) 97498-5421

Mon to Fri - 9am to 9pm

Dom Helder Câmara Ave. 5555 - Room Nº 512

Cachambi - Rio de Janeiro, RJ

(21) 97498-5421

Mon to Fri - 9am to 9pm

Be the essence of your well being

Discover our main specialties. We serve different age groups.


Psychotherapy addresses mental health issues strictly linked to psychological factors, or also as a support in the treatment of conditions in the field of Neurology or Psychiatry, in multidisciplinary approaches.


The clinical psychopedagogist is a licensed professional prepared to assist children and adolescents with difficulties in the learning process. Your work can be preventive or interventional (assessment, diagnosis and intervention).


The speech therapist studies human communication through voice, speech, language and hearing, as well as the performance of vital functions such as: sucking, breathing, chewing and swallowing (the act of swallowing).


An interface between Psychology and Neurology, which studies the relationship between the brain and human behavior. Practically dedicated to investigating how different injuries cause deficits in different areas of human cognition.

Covid-19 Service Protocol

Clinic Proessencial prioritizes your health, as well as that of its patients and medical staff. So please pay attention to these protocols and help us in the care and control of the pandemic.

• Our rooms are always ventilated to promote air circulation in the room.

• The use of a mask is mandatory, only remove it upon request of the professional who is attending.

• Alcohol gel is available at the entrance and in each office, feel free to use it.

• In case of a cold or any symptoms related to COVID-19, do not come to the office and get in touch with us explaining the reason.


Brilliant Mind

Discover the products of the Brilliant Mind line, aimed at the socio-emotional and cognitive development of children and adolescents.

Manual and digital games, e-books for parents, children and teenagers, with a special focus related to special children (autistic, with ADHD, Down syndrome).


Neuropsychological assessment in the elderly

Neuropsychological Assessment is essential to understand behavioral, cognitive and functional changes and their relationship with brain areas that may be compromised.

Parental Alienation: The Psychological Effects on Children

When a couple divorces, their children's mental health must be the priority. However, some couples cannot resolve their issues amicably and one of them begins to influence the child to take sides, pitting him against the other. This is called parental alienation.

Developmental Language Disorder

Children struggling with developmental language disorder develop vocabulary and grammar at a much slower rate than their peers.

Overcoming the effects of confinement

Do you think the psychological effects of confinement are affecting you? Don't know how to face this time of instability? Discover the psychological secrets to get stronger.

Make your appointment online

After filling it out, we will contact you to schedule your appointment.

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