Dom Helder Câmara Ave. 5555 - Room Nº 512

Cachambi - Rio de Janeiro, RJ

(21) 97498-5421

Mon to Fri - 9am to 9pm

Dom Helder Câmara Ave. 5555 - Room Nº 512

Cachambi - Rio de Janeiro, RJ

(21) 97498-5421

Mon to Fri - 9am to 9pm


7 steps to saying goodbye to a bad mood

Difficult and unexpected situations can provoke a bad mood, but with some simple strategies it is possible to get rid of it.

Intolerance, anger, rudeness, nervousness, negativity and irritation. These are some of the typical characteristics when someone is in a bad mood. At certain times in life, we all feel that way. Temporary events like waking up to the noise of a neighbor's renovation, a bad night's sleep or spending hours in traffic affect anyone's mood.

According to psychologists, this kind of normal bad mood lasts for a short time, if not a few days. When it is directly related to some external event, it usually happens as soon as the situation that triggered it is resolved. 

However, when the bad mood lasts for more than two weeks, has no specific reason and comes with other symptoms, it can be dysrhythmia.

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