Dom Helder Câmara Ave. 5555 - Room Nº 512

Cachambi - Rio de Janeiro, RJ

(21) 97498-5421

Mon to Fri - 9am to 9pm

Dom Helder Câmara Ave. 5555 - Room Nº 512

Cachambi - Rio de Janeiro, RJ

(21) 97498-5421

Mon to Fri - 9am to 9pm


Jung said that nothing is more difficult when connecting and living according to our essence. The psychologist's intervention through psychotherapy aims to reduce suffering and expand self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the only way capable of making us see our essence and live in harmony with it.

Psychotherapy is one of the most important interventions, where the psychologist uses his scientific knowledge, has appropriate techniques and instruments that can help in a future diagnosis, also using interpretation and intervention within the patient's report. This intervention is carried out through psychotherapy, where a psychological process of the subject and his reality is developed, strengthening him to face the challenges of his daily life and accept the demands brought by the patient.

The objective of psychotherapy is for the patient to walk towards his essence, by making discoveries about himself, with the aim of acquiring more well-being, quality of life and autonomy.

Dr. Cristina Barroso

CRP 05/32974

Professional with training in psychology and psychoanalysis. Specialist in Neuropsychology by Santa Casa da Misericordia. He worked at UERJ with the Scientific Research Center on Child Development and Neuropsychology. She was Coordinator of Support Groups for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Bipolar Disorder and Autism. He has a course in Hospital Neuropsychology and a course in Executive Functions and Digital Games at the University of Santa Catarina.

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